Fish for Development in Ghana and Colombia
In 2017- 2018, Knut was contracted by Norad, the Norwegian Development Aid Agency, to map out possibilities for a broader Norwegian collaboration with Colombia and Ghana under the global programme called Fish for development (FfD). FfD is a Norwegian government programme, with the objective to increase the ability of fishery and aquaculture sectors to contribute to the socio-economic development within partner countries. It both includes a focus on increased employment opportunities, as well as increased food and nutritional security.
FfD has three intermediate objectives, of which Knut’s task was to analyse how private sector may exploit fisheries resources and engage in aquaculture production in a sustainable manner.
Knut conducted missions to Ghana and Colombia respectively, meeting with government authorities, private sector companies and NGOs, mapping out key bottlenecks in value chains for both aquaculture as well as harvest fisheries, and identifying possible programmatic entry points for Norad. His findings were included in a report presented to Norad, and provided basis for the design and set-up of bilateral cooperation between Norway and Colombia, and Norway and Ghana, for the sustainable management of fisheries.