Øyvind is a Social Anthropologist (PhD) specialising in development studies, with a unique combination of academic expertise and broad practical experience. Besides seven years in academic research, Øyvind has extensive experience from development cooperation, international climate and environment cooperation, aid effectiveness, and governance, from a diversity of roles: Consultancy, top and middle management, knowledge management, and several board memberships in both public institutions and NGOs.
As chief evaluation officer in Norad, under a mandate to evaluate any spending under the Norwegian aid budget, Øyvind developed insight and networks across most of Norway’s international cooperation within development and environment. As head of the Knowledge Bank he was in charge of most of the bilateral technical cooperation between Norway and partner countries in development, in areas like tax policy and management, digitalisation, energy, oceans management, fisheries management, statistics and more. As Executive Director of the Rainforest Foundation, Øyvind developed insights and networks within international cooperation on climate and indigenous peoples’ rights.
Based on experience from journalism, advocacy work, relevant positions in a political party, and the think tank Civita, Øyvind is also familiar with public discourse, political debates and parliamentary processes on development cooperation and environment.