OECD Evaluations of Access to Justice Reforms in Mexico and Portugal
In OECD countries, effective justice and legal institutions are increasingly seen as a crucial determinant of inclusive growth and sustainable development. In this context, the OECD work on Access to Justice aims to support member and partner countries in improving citizen's and business' access to justice by designing and delivering responsive justice and legal services. This work also facilitates the implementation of country commitments under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically the achievement of SDG 16 (target 16.3).
In the review Strengthening Local Legal Institutions for Inclusive Growth and Business in Mexico, the OECD analyses the work of state-level judiciaries in the country, discuss existing methodologies for quantifying court performances, examines the extent to which it provides a sound basis for evaluating the socio-economic outcomes of the performance of the justice sector and of specific reforms, and provides recommendations for the improvement of contract enforcement and its evaluation.
Portugal has introduced important measures to modernise its justice system in recent years, in order to ensure that justice policies and services are more inclusive and responsive to meet the needs of people. In 2018, Portugal asked the OECD to assess the effects of its reform package and support it with a set of evidence-based recommendations. The result was the review Towards Smart and Innovative Justice in Portugal: Fostering Inclusive Growth, which seeks to take stock of the government’s transformation efforts, identify results and make policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the responsiveness and accessibility of legal and justice services to needs of citizens and economic actors.